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What is toxin?

What is a toxin and how is a toxin formed in the body, let us know through this article every day, whatever food we eat in the morning and evening, the digestive system of the body does the work of digestion, at the same time some toxins are also released. But this toxin is a poisonous substance which causes harm inside and outside our body, it is called toxin.

Who removes toxins from the body?

Toxin is a poisonous substance which causes harm to our body but the work of removing the toxin from the body is done by the liver and kidney but the body's organs are not able to work all the time due to which sometimes a little amount of toxin remains in the body due to which While walking, pimples start appearing on the face.

What symptoms appear in the body due to increase in toxins?

Due to increase in toxins, some symptoms appear in the body such as (1) Pimples and pimples on the face (2) Acidity and gas formation (3) Pain around the liver (4) Not feeling like eating ( 5) Swelling in the stomach

(1) Having pimples and acne on the face

Sometimes, whether it is a girl or a boy, pimples or pimples start appearing on the face from time to time, then it is a kind of problem in the body. Symptoms of increased toxins appear

(2) Acidity and gas formation in the body

Most of the time acidity or gas is formed in our body because when the toxin increases in the body then acidity starts forming in the body then we all have to understand that this is a symptom of increasing toxin.

(3) Pain around the liver
When the amount of toxin starts increasing in the body, then there is a sweet pain around the liver because toxin is a poisonous element which causes harm in the body, then we all should understand that this is a symptom of increasing toxin in the body. Is it?

(4) Not feeling like eating
Sometimes we all do not feel like eating, that is, we do not feel hungry, then we all should understand that the amount of toxin is increasing in the body because when the amount of toxin starts increasing in the body, then constipation and gas is formed in the stomach, which leads to constipation. Cause we all don't feel like eating on time

(5) Swelling in the stomach
Many people occasionally get swelling in the stomach because when toxins start accumulating in the body then constipation occurs due to which the stool does not pass properly and gradually due to constipation the stomach becomes swollen. goes
Why is toxin formed in the body?

We all understood that toxin is a poisonous substance, it causes many diseases in our body, but the question is why toxin is formed in our body, so let us know the reason for formation of toxin in the body. Many people are ill. We suffer from life stall like drinking too much, smoking, eating too much junk food, fried food and always being in tension due to which toxins are formed in the body.

How to remove stomach toxins?

Stomach toxins can be removed by taking some measures like (1) One should drink plenty of water. (2) Take a walk after eating (3) Drink lukewarm water every morning

(1) Water should be drunk in large quantitWhen toxin accumulates in our stomach, we all should drink a lot of water every day to remove this toxin because drinking a lot of water flushes out the toxin accumulated in the stomach.

(2) Take a walk after eatingWe all should take a walk after eating because if we do not take a walk after eating, then toxins will often accumulate in the stomach and we will become victims of many diseases.

3) One should drink lukewarm water every mor-
ning.When toxin accumulates in the stomach, you all should wake up every morning and drink lukewarm water.Drinking lukewarm water clears the toxins from the stomach and drinking lukewarm water in the morning is very beneficial for the body.

Disclaimer: paswanblog live does not confirm the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Before following any such treatment/medicine/diet, please consult a doctor.

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