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What is cholesterol?

To know what cholesterol is, you will have to read this entire article because unless you read the entire article, you will not know what is cholesterol, how important is cholesterol for our body, why is it important and what is the harm caused by excess cholesterol in the body, all this. Read the entire article to know
Let us now understand what cholesterol is, so cholesterol is a kind of fat, it is found in 
our body goes to the liver and produces cholesterol

What does cholesterol do in the body?

Cholesterol performs very important functions in the body such as
Due to cholesterol, Vitamin D and hormones and bile are produced in the body which helps in digesting the fat found inside the body.

Why does cholesterol increase in the body?

Cholesterol is produced by the liver, but if we understand in simple language why cholesterol increases in the body, if we eat excessive amount of junk food, oily food, red meat, the level of cholesterol in the body increases due to which blood in the body increases. Communication is not done properly due to which there is a fear of having hot attack disease.

What symptoms appear in the body due to increase in cholesterol ?

1) increase in body weight
(2) feeling tired
(3) Pain in legs
(4) shortness of breath
(5) Yellowing of skin
(6) Hearing loss of hands and feet

(1) Increase in body weight

If we eat fried food, junk food, By eating food with high calories, the body becomes more and more fat, due to which the level of cholesterol in the body increases and due to this obesity, there is always a fear of getting heart disease or attack.

2) feeling tired

Whenever a person feelings
tired and lethargic, there are symptoms of increase cholesterol in that person's body, hence the person should immediately consult a doctor.

(3) Pain in legs

If someone has pain in the legs without any reason and if the pain does not stop for a long time, then there is a problem of increased cholesterol, hence one must consult a doctor.

(4) flatulence

Sometimes, if a person feels short of breath, it could be a symptom of increased cholesterol in that person, therefore, consult a doctor without any delay. (5) Yellowing of skin

Sometimes, if a person's skin turns pale, it is a symptom of increased cholesterol and a doctor should be consulted immediately.
(6) Hearing in hands and feet

It is seen in many people that sometimes the hands and feet become numb. This is not a common disease, it is a symptom of increasing cholesterol, hence one should immediately consult a doctor.

What should be the cholesterol of a healthy person?

The cholesterol of a healthy person should always remain balanced because if the cholesterol in the body becomes more than the balance then that person can become a victim of hot-attack disease, therefore the cholesterol of a healthy person always remains between 100 to 129 mg/dl. So that person is high in cholesterol
stays out of danger

How many types of cholesterol are there?

There are two types of cholesterol in our body
(1) Good cholesterol (2) Bad cholesterol, both these cholesterols are made from high density protein and low density protein, hence both these cholesterols remain balanced in the body.

What is the solution to reduce cholesterol?

Cholesterol is very important for our body, but if the level of cholesterol in the body becomes more than the balance, then cholesterol becomes dangerous for the body, hence, you will know how the increased cholesterol can be reduced, through this article you will know. Find out how to reduce high

(1) By eating garlic

If a person's cholesterol increases, then eating 2 pieces of garlic on an empty stomach every morning in the morning reduces the increased cholesterol in the body because garlic contains antioxidant and has the property of reducing cholesterol. a

2) By drinking lemon juice

If a person's cholesterol increases, then that person should consume lemon juice every morning because Vitamin C is found in lemon, due to which the person's weight reduces and the increased cholesterol in the body also reduces.

(3) Fish oil

If a person's cholesterol suddenly increases, then that person should consume Makshali oil because Omega 3 fatty acids are found in Makshali, due to which the cholesterol of that person gets reduced

4) Accessorizing
If a person's cholesterol increases, then that person should do exercise every morning and evening, due to which the body weight also reduces and the increased cholesterol also reduces.

Disclaimer: paswanblog live does not confirm the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Before following any such treatment/medicine/diet, please consult a doctor.

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