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Who will get employment after the construction of Ram temple?

 Who will get employment after the construction of Ram temple? This is a big question. To know this question, you all will have to read this entire article because this question is running in the mind of many people, after all, who will get benefit after the construction of the temple. Is it done?

First of all let us know which people got affected after the construction of the temple like (1) Taxi and Auto Rickshaw (2) Eradication
Shopkeeper's(3) Flower seller's(4) Hotel owner's 5) Guest house owner's(6) Fruit seller's(7) Clothes shop owner's(8) Tour travel owner's Of (9) Laborers who work, of all. (10) Pandit ji who worships in the temple, of all.

1) Benefit of taxi and auto rickshaw drivers

First of all, let us know that the distance from the Ayodhya temple to the railway station is about 5 kilometers, hence the people who will come to the Ayodhya temple for the darshan of Shri Ram Lala, if they travel by train, then all those people will have to come to the Ayodhya railway station first, hence. All those brothers who are driving auto rickshaw or taxi will get employment opportunity every day, hence after the construction of the temple, all these driver brothers will get employment opportunity.
(2) Sweet shop owners benefit everyone

After the construction of the temple, thousands and lakhs of devotees will come to Ayodhya every day to visit the Ram temple and Shri Ram Lala, hence all the sweet shopkeepers in front of the Ayodhya temple have become famous because everyone wants to eat from Ayodhya. Buying sweets and taking them away will not only benefit the owner of the sweet shop, the people working in this sweet shop, the artisans making sweets and the cleaners will all get employment.

(3) The shopkeeper who is flower of worries is also affected.

After the construction of the temple, thousands and lakhs of devotees will come to Ayodhya every day to see Ram Lala, hence all the shopkeepers who were busy in front of the temple will be relieved and many laborers working in the shops will also get employment.

(4) Food and drink, hotels, everything has been ruined.
All the people who come to see Ayodhya temple and Ram Lala will definitely eat and drink, hence, eating and drinking in front of the temple has become a benefit to the hotel owners and also provides employment to many laborers working there. will get

(5) Guest house owners are all ruined.

Every day, thousands of devotees come to Ayodhya to visit the Ayodhya temple and Ram Lala. At that time, many people will need guest houses or hotels to stay. At that time, the owners of these guest houses are fed up and have to work. All laborers will also get employment

(6) Fruits are the trouble of restless owners.

All the devotees who will come to Ayodhya to visit Ram Lala and Ram temple will definitely offer fruits and flowers at the feet of God, hence the fruit-oriented owners will be relieved and at the same time, the laborers will also get employment.

(7) The owners who sell clothes are everyone's profit.
A large number of people will reach Ayodhya every day and every time to visit Ram temple and Lord Ram Lala, hence many people will definitely buy some clothes etc., hence the clothes owners and the laborers doing a lot of work will also get employment

8) Tour-travel is a burden to the owners

Tickets and hotels will be provided to all those who come to Ayodhya to visit Ram temple and Ram Lala. There will be a need for booking, thus the tour-travel owners and working people will get benefit i.e. they will get employment.

9) The laborers are the benefit of all.
After the construction of Shri Ram Lala Ji temple in Ayodhya, thousands or lakhs of people will get employment because many shops, hotels, guest houses, restaurants and many more will be opened around the Ayodhya temple, hence people working in all these places will get employment. There will be a need for laborers, hence after the construction of Ayodhya temple, thousands of people will get employment.

10) After the construction of Ram temple, Pandit became the target of all.
After the construction of Ram temple, many Pandits will get employment because there will be not one but many Panditjis to perform puja in Ram temple and many Panditjis will get donations and dakshina, hence after the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya, Panditji will be available to everyone. Will get employment

Which company is working on Ram mandir?

Ram temple in Ayodhya is being built by the country's biggest company. The name of that company is Larsen & Toubro. The work of Larsen & Toubro temple is now going on in the final stage.

Disclaimer: paswanblog live confirms the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only.

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