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What is Fabair?

      What is fiber?

To know what is fiber, you will have to read the entire article. Unless you read the entire article, you will not be able to understand what is fiber, so in simple language you should understand that fiber is a way to digest the grains that we eat and drink. That which works is called fiber

But there is also a question in the minds of many people that where does this fiber come from? So if you understand in simple language, whatever we eat and drink in the morning and evening, whatever we eat, we all get some fiber but in the fiber Nutrition is found in small quantities and is only used to digest grains.

What has the most fiber?

Most of the fiber is found in green vegetables i.e. more fiber is found in green colored vegetables and fruits, that is why doctor sir always suggests to eat green vegetables and sabut dal and more fiber is also found in urad dal.

Which fruit contains the most fiber?

Most of the fiber is found in orange, guava, mango, tangerine, tangerine and sour fruits and Vitamin C is also found in them. If a person has constipation then they all should eat sour fruits because sour Fiber is found in fruits and due to fiber, constipation gets cured.

Which vegetable contains the most fiber?

Broccoli, carrot, sweet potato, sweet potato and
Bitter gourd, Ladyfinger, etc.

(1) Broccoli vegetable
Broccoli vegetable has the highest amount of fiber, hence, people who suffer from constipation should consume broccoli vegetable. Apart from fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium are also found in broccoli, due to which patients with high blood pressure can get relief from constipation. Also beneficial as it helps in controlling BP.
2) Carrot

Fialfoundicarrot, hence we all should prepare salad or vegetable and eat it every day. Because fiber is found in it, hence it becomes easy while passing stool and by eating carrot, we can avoid many stomach diseases. Apart from this, we can also avoid piles disease. You will get relief and eating carrot improves your eyesight.

(3) Sweet potatoes

Like carrots, sweet potato also contains fiber and roughage, due to which it speeds up the intestinal movement and prevents constipation. Apart from this, it also contains Vitamin A and C, due to which hair also gets a lot of benefits.
 and also protects from infection

(4) Jimikand vegetable

Jimikand is also a
kind of vegetable, it contains abundant amount of fiber and eating Jimikand also helps in reducing weight and the best thing is that it also reduces thecholesterol of the body and glycemic index is found in Jimikand vegetable, due to which diabetes
And people suffering from saffron suffer from

(5) Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd is also found in good quantity of fiber and apart from fiber it also contains Vitamin A, B and C. But many people do not like bitter gourd because it is bitter. But due to the presence of fiber in bitter gourd, bitter gourd helps in causing constipation. The vegetable is very beneficial and strengthens the digestive system, but bitter gourd should not be eaten at night because it causes gas in the stomach.

(6) Okra vegetable

By eating okra vegetable, one does not have to exert too much force while passing stool because fiber is also found in okra, due to which doctors also advise to eat okra and the quantity of iodine is also found in okra in very high quantity and iodine is essential for the body. there is a great need for

What symptoms appear in the body due to fiber deficiency?
Due to fiber deficiency, many symptoms are seen in the body such as (1) Constipation in the stomach (2) Vomiting and nausea (3) Loss of appetite (4) Feeling lethargic or tired (5) Increase in bad cholesterol (6) increase obesity

It is very important to have fiber in the body because due to fiber, the digestive system remains strong and does not allow the formation of gas, acid and it is also comfortable to pass stool and the kidney, liver and intestine are cleaned due to this fiber.

(1) Constipation in the stomach

If you do not eat green vegetables and fruits, then there is a deficiency of fiber in the body due to which constipation occurs in the stomach, hence it is said to eat green vegetables and due to excessive constipation in the stomach, piles disease also occurs.

2) Vomiting and nausea

Many times, some people sometimes feel nauseous or vomit, but due to this, it is said that there is a deficiency of fiber in the body, hence it is important to have fiber in the body and due to lack of fiber, the stomach also does not get cleaned, due to which

(3) loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is also seen in many people. This happens because when there is a lack of fiber in the body, stool does not form properly due to constipation in the stomach, due to which, loss of appetite at the right time and feeling of eating. don't do it

4) Feeling lethargic or tired

when someone feels lethargic or tired, it is considered to be the lack of fiber in the body because due to lack of fiber, the stomach stool is not cleaned properly due to which the body feels lethargic and tired, hence the doctor always recommends as much fiber as possible. asks to eat vegetables

(5) Increase in bad cholesterol

When there is a sudden deficiency of fiber in the body, vomiting or nausea occurs, due to which bad cholesterol starts increasing in the body and increasing cholesterol can also lead to heart disease.

How much fiber does the body require in a day?

We all need 20 to 25 grams of fiber in a day, that is why doctors always ask us to eat green vegetables and fruits.

Disclaimer: paswanblog live does not confirm the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Before following any such treatment/medicine/diet, please consult a doctor.

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