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Why do children get TV sickness?

TV disease is a tuberculosis disease, it is contagious in a way.
It is also called a disease, now we know that it occurs in children. Know why the disease occurs through this article.

TB is a tuberculosis disease but is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. And another reason like
If someone in your family already has

If you have TV disease then there is a high chance that the coming new generation may also get it and
Where we live, if there is someone in that neighborhood
Even if the person is suffering from TB, so will our children.
It may be because of an infected person's sneeze and
It can also be caused by coughing because of the sneezes and
The risk of TB in our children increases due to the germs released into the air by coughing.
Why is TV not rooted in our locality?
Let us know what is the reason through this article. The form is multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis or MDR TB.
Governments of every country are making every effort to eradicate TV disease, such as providing free medicines, but very
Despite efforts, TV cannot eradicate the disease.

Which children are at risk of TB disease?
First of all tell children about nails and hair. Tibi can happen everywhere except you know this Symptoms of having TV through article
1. Weight loss in children
2. Excessive sweating even at night
3. Decreased appetite
4.Fever at night
5. Severe and severe cough at night
6. Having cough for more than two weeks

Doctors have told that if a child is malnourished or
Even if there is cancer, TB is seen in such children.
If any other child is growing in his mother's womb,
And if the mother of that child is suffering from TV disease then
Children born to a child can also get TV disease if a woman has sex with a man with TV diseaseIf there is a relationship then the newborn child will suffer from TB disease.
Chance of happening. remains more

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Disclaimer: paswanblog live does not confirm the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Before following any such treatment/medicine/diet, please consult a doctor.


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