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Which person gets piles?

Which person gets piles?
Through this article, we will know which person suffers from piles. To know this, you all will have to read the entire post.

First of all, let us tell you that the main reason for piles disease is constipation in the stomach, like whatever we eat from morning till evening, the food gets accumulated in the upper part of the stomach and then later goes into the small intestine. And after that it goes into the large intestine and comes out from the body in the form of stool, but due to poor digestion of many people, the stool does not come out properly because when there is constipation in the stomach, the stool does not come out properly. This is how piles become a disease.

Piles also occur due to many reasons such as being overweight, staying awake for too long at night, gas formation in the stomach, lifting too heavy items, being under stress, eating too much spicy food.

1) staying up late at night

Yes, if we all stay up late at every night
 So we can become a victim of piles disease because by staying awake too late in the night, the digestive power becomes weak, that is, whatever we eat is not digested properly, due to which gas gets formed in the stomach and constipation occurs. Due to constipation, we go to the bathroom. Due to excessive force while having sex, one gets injured on the way to the bathroom and this causes piles.

2) Gas formation in the stomach
owadays everyone gets gas in their stomach very quickly because first of all, let us tell you that due to bad eating habits like eating spicy food, eating junk food, gas gets formed in the stomach and the formation of gas leads to constipation. And one has to exert too much force while going to the bathroom, thus getting injured on the way to the bathroom and thus there is a risk of getting piles.

3) By lifting heavy items
Sometimes, if a person lifts heavy items for some reason, there is a risk of getting injured on the way to the bathroom due to lifting heavy items, because the flesh is very flexible on the way to the bathroom, due to which there is a chance of getting injured by lifting heavy items. And piles can be a disease.

4) feeling stressed all the time (anxiety)
Nowadays, in this fast-paced life, everyone is worried about some work or the other, like business, education, job, people are worried about some work or the other, and if due to some reason they are not able to get success in work, then people One gets stressed and when a person remains stressed then he does not sleep properly due to which his digestive power becomes weak due to which constipation occurs in the stomach.
And one has to apply too much force while going to the bathroom, due to which one gets injured on the way to the bathroom and Babasir can become a victim of disease.

At what age can piles occur?

According to medical science report, there is a chance of occurrence of piles disease between the age of 45 to 65 years, but nowadays piles disease is also being seen in the youth of 18 to 20 years of age because due to bad eating habits and bad lifestyle, nowadays less number of people are suffering from piles disease. Piles disease is being seen even in young people.

What are the symptoms of piles disease in men?
1) A lump around the anal area can sometimes cause pain.
2) Itching and redness
3) swelling
4) Sometimes it becomes difficult to sit.
5) Sometimes bleeding and pain during stool

Disclaimer: paswanblog live does not confirm the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Before following any such treatment/medicine/diet, please consult a doctor.

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