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Which person suffers from high blood pressure?

Which person suffers from high blood pressure?

Let us know through this article which person can get high blood pressure disease and why it happens like being overweight, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking bidi cigarettes, sometimes repeating the history of your family, that is, if in your family If someone has had high blood pressure before, there is a slight chance of getting it.

A normal person's BP should always be 120/80. If it exceeds 120/80, that means if the upper BP is 120 then it is considered normal and if it exceeds 120 then one has to consult a doctor. If the lower BIP is 80 then it is considered teak.
And if it goes below 80 then one becomes a victim of low blood pressure. High blood pressure disease is also called hypertension.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

1) dizziness
2) Chest pain
3) nose bleeding
4) Blood in urine
5) Having a headache
6) Swelling in feet
7) Shortness of breath

Stress is considered to be the main cause of high blood pressure disease because nowadays everyone is stressed like young, old, boy, everyone is stressed because everyone is busy with some work and due to this busyness sometimes a person gets high. One becomes victim of BP disease. Earlier this disease was mostly seen in the elderly but now it is seen in everyone.

Avoid eating junk food with high BP?
Yes, people with high BP should avoid eating junk food because high amount of sodium is found in rust food, but nowadays everyone wants to eat junk food and it has very high amount of sodium and sugar is also found in this food, due to which Apart from high blood pressure, people also become victims of other diseases.

What should one eat to reduce BP?

To reduce BP, one should eat apples because the doctor says that one should eat an apple every day. By eating apple, not only BP but also other diseases can be protected and there are other fruits to reduce BP. for example

1) banana
2) Watermelon
3) orange
4) Kiwi

What should be done if BP suddenly increases?

All these things should be done in case of sudden increase in BP, like if a person's BP suddenly becomes high then first of all that person should drink cold water but the water should be completely cold.It should not be normal, cold water should be given, this reduces the risk of heart attack.
1) Deep breaths should be take
2) One should stay away from crowd and noise.
3) One should bat in open space
4) One should drink coconut water
5) One should lie down with eyes closed
6) Consult a doctor immediately

Disclaimer: paswanblog live does not confirm the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Before following any such treatment/medicine/diet, please consult a doctor

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