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People with low blood pressure can take papad in food every day.

First of all, let us know which people have low blood pressure and why it happens, then let us tell you that people who drink less water every day, then their blood pressure decreases, as if a person drinks less water every day. The blood of that person also starts decreasing and in this way the blood pressure starts decreasing.

And the second reason is also that many people take many types of medicines and sometimes any person gets diarrhea, then all this causes low BP.

How much flame and high BP does a normal man have?
According to medical science, BP of a normal man is 120.
And should be 80 means upper BP 120 and lower BP should be 80 120/80 if any person has upper BP 90 and lower BP 60 then it means that person becomes a victim of low BP and immediately that person one should consult a doctor

What should a person with low BP eat?

A person with low BP should eat green leafy vegetables and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kidney beans, almonds, peas, eggs, soybeans, avocados, citrus fruits, tomatoes, bananas, papaya, beans, pulses, etc.

How much water should a person with low blood pressure drink every day?
People with low blood pressure should drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water every day, otherwise there may be complaints of low blood pressure.

What are the symptoms of having low BP?

Women or men, everyone complains of low blood pressure, but how to know that woman or man has low blood pressure as if

1) Dizziness
2) blurred vision
3) pass out
4) feeling weak
5) hands and feet become cold

People with low BP must take papad in their food every day because pulses and salt are found in papad and eating pulses and salt increases BP and in this way papads are very useful things.

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can help and shehar

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(The information given in this article is based on general beliefs, paswan bloge live does not confirm it. Follow it only after consulting an expert.)


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