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Avoid drinking raw alcohol otherwise you will die prematurely.

 Avoid drinking raw alcohol otherwise you will die prematurely.

Avoid drinking raw alcohol otherwise you will die prematurely.Because raw alcohol is very harmful for the body, first of all, let us tell you that raw alcohol is prepared in a very dirty way, just as it is made according to some rules to make an English wine, in this English wine every Cheese is added such as alcohol, but it is also not necessary that English wine is better than raw wine because any wine is very useless for the body, so it is written on the bottle of English wine It is harmful for honey, but raw wine is made by the maker of his own free will, but English wine is made under the supervision of an expert.

Why does vomiting happen after drinking alcohol?


Many people vomit after drinking alcohol. It seems to happen, why this happens because after drinking too much alcohol, the level of acetaldehyde in the liver increases very much, in this situation, vomiting starts from the body and gas is formed in the stomach.

How to stop vomiting after drinking alcohol, what to do.

   Drink more  water 


1) Drink more water If a person drinks more alcohol, then let that person drink more and more water, because drinking more alcohol causes dehydration in the body, due to which vomiting starts again and again, so the person who drinks more alcohol should drink more water. drink more water than


2) Avocado is very beneficial because drinking avocado avoids liver damage because it contains potassium, which is very beneficial for the whole body, thus when someone vomits after drinking alcohol, that person Vomiting stops by giving avocado juice to

  lemon  water

3) If a person drinks too much alcohol, then that person can drink lemon juice because drinking lemon water stops vomiting immediately and helps in reducing hangover.

  green tea

4) If a person drinks too much alcohol, then green tea can be given to that person and metabolism becomes very good by drinking green tea, but if a person drinks alcohol, then green tea should not be drunk immediately, that person should wait for some time. green tea should be given after

  coconut water

5) If a person drinks too much alcohol then coconut water can be given to that person because coconut water contains electrolytes. If that person vomits then coconut water should be given because coconut water is too much for the stomach. does

  ginger juice

6) If a person vomits after drinking too much alcohol, then ginger juice can be given to that person because antioxidants are found in ginger, due to which vomiting stops and hangover also goes away, and drinking ginger juice cures cough. also gets ticked very fast

orange juice too

7) Orange juice is very beneficial because vitamin C is found in it, so when a person who drinks too much alcohol vomits, then orange juice can be given because drinking orange juice increases the level of glutathione in the body, thus when a person Vomiting after drinking alcohol, vomiting stops by giving orange juice.

Why do people die after drinking raw alcohol?

People die by drinking raw liquor, because the method of making raw liquor is not right, like generally jaggery, water, urea and many other chemicals are added to make raw liquor, in this way raw liquor is made and this chemical It is very injurious to health and on the other hand, if raw alcohol stays for a long time, then bacteria grow in this alcohol and this alcohol becomes poisonous, thus when a person drinks this alcohol.then that person may die

Why do people die after drinking raw alcohol?

Drinking too much alcohol in an empty stomach is harmful for the body, as it gets intoxicated immediately and goes into the small intestine of the stomach and blood spreads to the whole part of the body. dilatation

How long does alcohol intoxication last?

Alcohol intoxication According to medical science, if a person drinks alcohol, then it takes 6 to 7 hours to get rid of that person's intoxication and the second thing is that even though the intoxication of that person goes away, but that person's hangover remains and The headache of that person also keeps on happening, the second thing is that the intoxication of alcohol goes away, but traces remain in the urine and hair of that person for 2 or 3 days. intoxicates more than

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(The information given in this article is based on general beliefs, paswan bloge live does not confirm it. Follow it only after consulting an expert.)


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