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Way does paralysis happen and to whom it happenes


Why does paralysis happen and to whom it happens, we know what happens through this article. Paralysis is called in common language, but it is known by different names in every language. Such paralysis is also called paralysis in English, but it Why does paralysis happen?There are two reasons for this, the first reason is that if a person suddenly gets a brain haemorrhage, such as the bursting of the blood pipe going to the brain, and the second reason is that the blood supply pipe going to the brain is suddenly closed. To know means which is called blockage in common language, at that time the part of the body stops working and in this way any person becomes a victim of paralysis.

 Can paralysis happen to any person?

Paralysis is called paralysis in medical language, this disease can happen to any person and at any time, it is not necessary that the person is healthy or unwell, it does not matter, any person becomes a victim of this disease. This disease is also called air disease, this disease occurs in any part of the body and most of the flow is seen in the mouth and hands and feet of the body.

There are 4 types of paralysis

Paralysis disease medical science has divided this disease into 4 parts (1) Monoplegia (2) Hemiplegia (3) Paraplegia (4) Tetraplegia

1) Monoplegia paralysis

Monoplegia Paralysis Disease This disease is such a disease of the body that affects only one part of the body, which means that one part of the body stops working in one place, such as hand, mouth.

2) Hemiplegia paralysis

Hemiplegia Paralysis Disease This disease affects one part of the body means one side of the body, initially this disease feels like an ant bite or needle prick of the body and later it affects one side of the body, it is also called paralysis disease. 

3) Paraplegia paralysis

Paraplegia paralysis disease, this disease is more likely to paralyze any person in both legs, that means this disease hurts in the lower part of the waist 

4) tetraplegia paralysis

Tetraplegia Paralysis This disease affects all the organs of the whole body, this disease does not work in any part of the body below the neck, this disease takes a long time to develop.

Eating too much salt also causes paralysis?

Paralysis happens to everyone, but it has been seen that the person who eats more salt has more chances of getting paralysis and avoid eating flour, pigeon pea, gram

Can a person with paralysis eat some things ?

If a person suffers from paralysis, then that person should eat all these things, such as wheat, millet should be consumed and moong dal in pulses, and

Kulat dal is very beneficial. If we talk about vegetables, then eat the maximum number of leafy vegetables like cabbage, spinach, drumstick, broccoli and pomegranate, orange, apple, papaya, cherry, watermelon can be consumed in fruits.

In how many days the paralysis disease becomes vaccine ?

According to medical science, this disease, any person who has paralysis, this disease starts improving within 2 to 3 days and after 6 to 7 months, recovery starts and in getting completely vaccinated. takes 1 to 2 years

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