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Sad & romantic story

My name is Mahesh, one day I was traveling in train

And I was traveling in general coach, the seat on which I was sitting Before me on that seat some a very beautiful 40 to 45 years old woman was sitting after about 2 hours that beautiful women fainted suddenly so All the passengers of that general coach became paranoid.some how that woman in her face He was brought to his senses with a 

splash water And when the woman was questioned, she replied that Brother, I am very scared, I am getting nervous because my ticket and my money purse is gone what do i do now and what from I am traveling alone in this train I fainted while thinking all this, I could not stop hearing all this and I feel sorry for that poor woman and I quickly Told the woman, Madam, do To you worry went to help Then I asked that woman where are you let's go that helpless The woman said brother my home town is kasi Banaras  (India) can you really help me Then what did I say in a hurry, ma'am, I will help you.don't worry at all i helped you This is how we used to talk to each other - when would I I fell in love with a woman, I can't even find myself now I started thinking in my mind how can I say this to 

this woman meanwhile that woman Said brother, now mine help because our station has arrived then what did i say I must definitely help you madam.But there is a request, madam, what is the request from you, can you speak? You then I said I will drop you at your home came, then the woman quickly nodded So I 

jumped with happiness in my mind but a question in my mind It was arising whether this beautiful woman also didn't love me so many questions in my mind having had But until I leave madam ji's house Then Till I can't speak my mind Kind I that reached the beautiful lady's house Then madam ji took me to my home Met the family members and narrated the entire incident to their family members.His family gave me lots of congratulations and love I was very happy because I am in love with that beautiful woman  Gone now I was thinking to myself that now i am Will tell my heart to meanwhile appeared to me And said brother I am very thankful to you What you have done for me, even my own brother will not do And today I am completely saddened to hear that you are my brother.And I also said why not sister from today you are my sister This is  how my love remained in my heart and I am happy own House gone 
                 🇮🇳 ( The end )🇮🇳


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